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  • Healthy feast

    Banquets on a budget

    • Nov 13, 2020
    • by Anne Finch

    Christmas is a time for giving, but it doesn’t have to break the bank. Here are five ways to avoid a Christmas blowout that have the happy side effect of being better for you too!

  • cucumber water

    6 tips to keep your drinking in check

    • Nov 08, 2020
    • by Danica Keric

    There's no denying that it's been a stressful few years, so it's not surprising that we would be looking for ways to help manage this stress. For some, it might be tempting to turn to alcohol. That relaxes us… right? Spoiler alert; rather than help us cope, alcohol can make us feel more stressed and anxious. Here are our top tips for staying well and keeping your drinking in check.

  • Strawberry and mint sparkling water

    Ditch the drinks, not your social life

    • Nov 01, 2020
    • by Alice Bastable

    Taking a break from drinking doesn’t have to mean taking a break from friends. In fact, you may feel you have more energy, save money and feel better as a result. We recommend a few things you can do that don't revolve around alcohol.

  • fruit and veg challenge

    Hit refresh on your eating habits with the Fruit&Veg September Challenge

    • Aug 27, 2020
    • by LiveLighter

    To help celebrate Fruit&Veg September this year we’ve created a handy downloadable challenge card.

  • harvest

    What to grow?

    • Aug 17, 2020
    • by Bruce Beamish

    What a big decision! Here are some of the things to take into account when deciding what to grow.

  • propagating

    Propagation: how to get MORE plants!

    • Aug 14, 2020
    • by Bruce Beamish

    Plant propagation is how you make new plants. Some vegetables can be grown from seed or pre-started seedlings and others can be grown from cuttings. See our tips and tricks!

  • bullseye

    The best laid plans

    • Aug 12, 2020
    • by Gael Myers

    New years' resolutions are easier said than done! Check out our top tips for making a goal that sticks!

  • kitchen scraps

    Composting at home

    • Aug 10, 2020
    • by Shenae Norris

    Composting is easy and regardless of space, anyone can home compost. Even with a small yard, you will be able to follow these steps on a smaller scale to create free compost that will nourish your gardens, save your scraps from landfill and see you never reaching for replace that store- bought fertiliser again.

  • soil

    Soils ain't soils

    • Aug 03, 2020
    • by Bruce Beamish

    Plants need three things: water, sun and soil. Most West Australian soil is low in nutrients and some even repels water. Rich soil full of organic matter and worms will give your plants everything they need to grow, retain moisture better, and help fight infection and insect attack.

  • digging

    Garden placement and design

    • Jul 28, 2020
    • by Bruce Beamish

    The beauty of the home vegetable garden is that it can just as easily be a research project or an art project. Here’s some things to take into account when you’re designing your vegie patch.