Use unit prices to find the best deal

Unit pricing helps us compare the cost of products when they come in different sized packets. It helps us tell which items are the best value (not just the cheapest).
Unit prices can be written as dollars per kilo, per 100g, per roll, per litre, etc.
Products portioned into single serves are usually more expensive. Try buying larger packs and make your own mini packs in small containers.
Tips for buying in bulk
It can be cheaper, per kilo, to buy in bulk. But this is ONLY good value if you can use what you buy before it goes off.
- Before buying the bigger package, consider if you’ll be able to use it up, or if not, if you’re able to store it for later.
- Freeze food you can’t use straight-away into usable portions e.g. wrap up 500g portions of mince, then label and freeze.
- Store flour, cereal, rice and other dry goods in containers to keep fresh longer.
- Go halves with family or friends.
Fresh produce is perishable so buying smaller amounts, more often can reduce waste if it means you’re actually using it all up. Canned or frozen fruit and vegies can be bought in larger quantities when they are on sale since they last much longer.