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Sitting less and moving more is fantastic for everybody’s health, and doing things as a family can make it more fun! Being a positive role model by participating in activities with children and having your own active lifestyles can have a great effect on children’s attitudes to physical activity.

Active play

Active play is any form of play that increases heart rate and gets us huffing and puffing. It has the same benefits as exercise, plus a bunch more, including developing social skills, self-esteem and resilience.

Tips for active play

Girls playing together

  • Keep some equipment in the car, ready for spontaneous games while out and about eg. balls, a plastic cricket set, a kite
  • Join in! Rather than just supervising, unlock your inner child and participate in active play. Remember to let the children win once in a while :)
  • If there are other families in the street, choose a day to do some activities together
  • Remember to be SunSmart when playing outside
  • Nature Play WA has loads of WA based programs and activities for all ages and families.
  • Active in Parks has the latest park based family activities and events in Victoria.

Indoor active play ideas

  • The floor is lava!
  • Dance party
  • Pretend to be animals
  • Build an obstacle course
  • Play Twister or limbo
  • Sack race (try a pillow case) down the hall 
  • Follow-the-leader and Simon Says
  • Build a fort
  • Musical chairs/ statues 
  • Hide and seek
  • Indoor ball games (with a soft ball!)
  • Charades

Outdoors active play ideas

  • Chasey (tag)
  • Hopscotch and elastics
  • Monkey bars and climbing frames
  • Build an obstacle course
  • Riding, rolling and scooting
  • Jumping on the trampoline
  • Ball games and sports
  • Four-square and hacky sack
  • Hula hooping 
  • Washing the car
  • Gardening and watering the plants
  • Walking the dog and playing fetch

Active transport for kids

Family walking, riding and scooting together

There are huge benefits to taking active transport, for adults and kids! Walk, ride, scoot or take public transport to school, or mix it up!  

  • Increasing physical activity- do you know how much to aim for?
  • Saving money on fuel
  • Morning mood boost to help concentration throughout the day
  • Getting to know the neighbourhood
  • Increasing kids’ independence
  • Avoid traffic and parking stress

Part of the way is OK!

If active transport to school doesn’t work for your family, here’s some options to still reap the benefits.

  • Park the car a few blocks from the school, avoiding slow traffic and getting some fresh air
  • Head to a playground, park or swimming pool on the way home
  • Plan for active transport excursions on the weekend

Walking School Bus

Walking School Buses are a fun way for local children to walk to school together regularly - thanks to adult volunteers, usually parents, who take turns to walk with the group.  Benefits of participating in a Walking School Bus include:

  • Reduce traffic congestion around schools; making roads, and active transport safer
  • Opportunity for kids to learn road safety
  • Promote social connected-ness; walking is a great way to get to know your neighbourhood – and neighbours!
  • Children arrive ready to learn more in the classroom
  • Perfect for busy families who can’t walk together everyday

Learn more