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  • Choosing the best sliced bread for your family

    The best thing since sliced bread

    • Aug 29, 2017
    • by Amelia Harray

    Eaten for breakfast, lunch or dinner, bread is a common part of a healthy diet. Supermarket shelves offer a huge variety of sliced breads from the humble white loaf to ‘healthier’ ranges, including gluten free, so how do we know which provides the best bang for our buck?

  • breakfast jar

    Snack-ification of breakfast

    • Aug 28, 2017
    • by Alison McAleese

    Breakfast is at risk of becoming more of a quick snack than a meal for some Aussies, as the range of breakfast biscuits, bars, drinks and other on-the-go products expands in supermarkets.

  • 5 Foods to Stop Avoiding

    5 foods you can stop avoiding

    • Aug 08, 2017
    • by Alison McAleese

    One day we’re told eggs are good for us, the next day they’re not. This week you might read that carbs are out, until next week when an article says they’re back in. We get it. Knowing what is truly healthy can be confusing! We want to clear the air once and for all on five foods many people think are unhealthy.

  • Having a difficult conversation with a loved one

    What to do if you have concerns about someone you love

    • Aug 02, 2017
    • by Amelia Harray

    Chatting to someone you care for about carrying excess weight can be a sensitive subject. LiveLighter’s resident Dietitian, Amelia Harray, puts on her mother, wife, daughter and friend hat with her top tips when considering a conversation.

  • Laurence makes small changes

    How Laurence broke old habits and made new ones

    • Jul 07, 2017
    • by LiveLighter

    Laurence, a Western Australian postal worker, faced turning 53 and at 102kg decided it was time he put his health and his family first.


    What is healthy? Experts and public disagree

    • Jul 06, 2017
    • by Alison McAleese

    A new survey by LiveLighter has revealed a huge gap between what the public and nutrition experts think is healthy.

  • father and kid cooking

    Kids in the kitchen

    • Jul 03, 2017
    • by Steve Pratt

    Research shows that when kids are involved with food (from gardening, to choosing, shopping, cooking… and cleaning up!) they eat healthier. So if you want to ALL eat healthier at home (and teach your kids some lifelong skills and healthy habits) check out our top tips for getting the kids involved.

  • packaged foods

    More than half of foods aimed at kids are unhealthy: research

    • Jun 27, 2017
    • by Jane Martin

    Childhood obesity continues to be a major issue in Australia, with 27 per cent of our children now overweight or obese . So why are we still allowing food manufacturers to directly target children with promotions on unhealthy food?

  • sandwich stack

    Work lunches that pull their weight

    • Jun 27, 2017
    • by Anne Finch

    What’s for lunch? If you work outside your house, it’s likely that you’re buying your lunch at least a few time a week. Homemade is almost always cheaper and healthier – but can be a bit of a hassle to get right. Check out our guide to simple, satisfying work lunches that won’t break the bank.

  • Breakfast toastie

    Easy snack swaps

    • Jun 22, 2017
    • by LiveLighter

    Being prepared when hunger hits means you can dodge the junky snacks. We reckon these hit the spot.