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  • Sweet potato muffin

    How healthy is your 'natural' food?

    • Aug 25, 2016
    • by Alison McAleese

    It used to be ‘fresh’. Then it was ‘free from’. Now the latest buzzword in food marketing is ‘natural’ and supermarket shelves are bursting with a plethora of ‘natural’ foods derived from ‘nature’ and free from anything ‘artificial’. But does ‘natural’ mean healthy? And can this buzzword help us spot a healthy food? LiveLighter decided to find out.

  • Burger with gold medal inside. Text reads 'junk food and sport don't belong together'.

    Is junk food really on the menu for our Olympians?

    • Aug 15, 2016
    • by David Bryant, Steve Pratt

    So just what will (and won’t) the athletes be eating in Rio?

  • Frozen fruit drink

    What to drink when you're not drinking

    • Jul 28, 2016
    • by Alison McAleese

    Cutting back on sugary drinks is a great way to reduce your sugar intake, but it’s not always easy.

  • Blueberry and Banana Bread

    Six foods that are healthier and cheaper to DIY

    • Jul 13, 2016
    • by Alison McAleese

    Packaged foods might seem like a convenient and easy option for a mid-week meal or a lunchbox snack – but don’t be fooled…

  • Bathroom scales

    Five things your dietitian wants you to know about weight loss

    • Jul 01, 2016
    • by Anne Finch

    There’s so much information about weight loss out there these days, and it can be confusing.

  • coins surrounding and apple

    Is fundraising possible without chocolate bars?

    • May 23, 2016
    • by Ann Ronning

    In nearly every office, the box of fundraising chocolates lurks in the tea room waiting to tempt passers-by into an unhealthy binge. "It's for a good cause," it whispers softly, trying to justify the extra kilojoules from added fats and sugar.

  • Date and muesli slice

    A healthy catch up with a cuppa

    • May 11, 2016
    • by Jenny Atkins

    Hands up if your diary is peppered with morning tea invitations?

  • Woman eating a watermelon

    Turn mindless eating into mindful meals

    • May 03, 2016
    • by Anne Finch

    Have you noticed if you’re eating in front of the TV, you can easily finish a whole plate of food without really tasting it?

  • Ride to work

    How to ride to work and still look stylish

    • Apr 15, 2016
    • by Jennifer Ramsay

    Like most adults, I know it’s important to be active every day for good health and that a great way to fit 30 minutes of activity into a busy life is to walk, cycle or even take the bus to work.

  • Mother and son in front of vending machines

    How the little treats add up

    • Apr 07, 2016
    • by Anne Finch

    I was running late on Monday, so I picked up a muffin and a coffee at the café down the road from work on my way in.