Junk food calculator
How many of these junk foods do you have each week?
Savoury foods

Sweet foods

Sugary drinks

Junk food calculator
See your results below.
Junk food this week
Saturated fat from junk food this week
teaspoons of saturated fat (g)
Saturated fat is linked to an increased risk of heart disease.
Reduce your fat intake
Sugar from junk food this week
teaspoons of sugar (g)
Aim to have no more than 6 teaspoons of sugar from junk food each day.
Reduce your sugar intake
Salt from junk food this week
of sodium
That's of the maximum recommended weekly intake.
That's of the maximum recommended weekly intake.
Aim to have no more than 2000 mg of salt per day.
Reduce your salt intake
eaten in junk food this week.
spent on junk food this week.
Junk foods are high in energy but don’t provide us with many of the other nutrients we need to have a healthy body. Eating too much junk food and not enough healthy food can lead to weight gain and poor health.
Keep up the good work!
Reducing the amount of junk food we eat each week and eating more wholesome foods is great for our physical and mental health, as well as our wallet.
Looking for healthy meal inspiration? Check out our huge range of tasty recipes.
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