Healthy Eating Programs And Services
LiveLighter is a program developed (and funded) for adults, and some of our materials are not suitable for kids and teens. For this reason, we don’t provide resources for use with young people, or have the LiveLighter brand in areas where people under 18 are the primary audience. The reason for this is that LiveLighter includes a weight message, which is not appropriate for children. If you’re looking for resources to use with kids there’s lots of great materials available from the programs shown below.
School Programs
The Crunch&Sip program operates in many Western Australian schools. It is a set classroom break during which students are encouraged to eat fruit or vegetables and drink water in the classroom each day. It is an easy way to ensure your child is encouraged to eat healthy. Speak to your school about becoming involved in the C&S program, for more information visit the Crunch&Sip website.
Packed with Goodness
Packed with Goodness is a free 90 minute healthy lunchbox session available to all parents and carers of Western Australian primary school aged kids. Talk to your school about hosting a session and learn about packing healthy and affordable lunches, reaching for healthy snacks, how much sugar is in popular drinks and lots more. For more information head to the Packed with Goodness section of the Crunch&Sip website.

Jump Rope for Heart
Jump Rope for Heart is a physical activity and fundraising program for schools. It'ss a great way to keep our kids hearts healthy while raising vital funds for the Heart Foundation. Learn more about the Jump Rope for Heart program.
Schools Traffic Light System
The Western Australian Department of Education has implemented the Healthy Food and Drink policy in public school canteens. The policy is based on a ‘traffic light’ system: GREEN – fill the menu; AMBER – select carefully; and RED – off the menu.
The Western Australian School Canteen Association ( WASCA) works closely with the WA Department of Education to support schools to implement and maintain the Healthy Food and Drinks Policy. WASCA is an independent non-profit organisation, assisting schools of all education systems and community groups to establish and maintain healthy, profitable food services by providing information, advice, resources and training. Visit the WASCA website here.

Your Move
Your Move is a free program that provides information and support to individuals, schools and workplaces to help people find more active, healthy ways to get around.
Check out Coolbinia Primary’s Fume Free Friday campaign in this five minute video. For more information visit the Your Move website.
School Breakfast Clubs
School breakfast programs can improve access to nutritious food for students who may be going to school hungry.
Foodbank WA runs School Breakfast Programs as part of their Healthy Food For All program throughout Western Australia. For further information, contact Foodbank WA directly.
Refresh.ED is a comprehensive online resource to help teachers introduce food and nutrition in classrooms from kindergarten to Year 10. On the Refresh.ED website you will find classroom teaching materials as well as professional learning materials to enhance teacher knowledge and confidence to teach nutrition.
Foodbank WA's Superhero Foods program
Superhero Foods is an online resource available for teachers and health educators; this fun and fresh approach to nutrition education and cooking aims to empower children to make healthy lifestyle choices. Available resources include free downloadable lesson plans and resources linked to the Australian Curriculum, recipe books, placemats, game/collector cards, storybook, colouring-in pages and clipart.
Other programs and services
Walking school buses
A Walking School bus is a fun way to travel to school powered by legs instead of an engine. It travels along a set route picking up or dropping off children on the way. It is planned to best suit the needs of the families using it – for example everyday/ once a week/ in the mornings or afternoons. It relies on at least 2 parents supervising, one walking ‘driving’ at the front and one at the back. Anyone can join at the designated ‘bus stops’ along the route.
Setting up or participating in a walking school bus can help;
- Reduce traffic congestion around schools; making roads, and active transport safer
- Promote children’s learning of road safety
- Promote social connected-ness; walking is a great way to get to know your neighbourhood – and neighbours!
For more information on starting a Walking School Bus at your school visit the Your Move website.
Bike Paths
Perth is renowned for the city bike paths. Take a look at the Department of Transport website for family bike paths and ideas to get out and explore the city.
Your Move
Your Move is all about helping people find simple ways to get active and connected. Offering information and support tailored to your lifestyle to make it easier to get active your way.
Nature Play WA
Nature Play WA aims to increase the amount of time that Western Australian children spend in unstructured play outdoors and in nature.