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Accredited Practising Dietitian for LiveLighter

Anne Finch

Anne grew up in a tofu and lentils kind of house, and after a brief rebellion working in bars and bakeries, became an Accredited Practising Dietitian. She is based at Cancer Council WA and has been working predominantly in public health and chronic disease prevention since 2013. She loves creating resources and recipes, promoting evidence-based practice and dispelling internet nutrition myths.

Articles by this author

  • healthy grazing plate

    Healthier festive season at work

    • Nov 16, 2020
    • by Anne Finch

    Did you draw the short straw this year? Or do you love planning events? There are loads of ways to celebrate that are memorable and will help your team keep well through the festive season.

  • Healthy feast

    Banquets on a budget

    • Nov 13, 2020
    • by Anne Finch

    Christmas is a time for giving, but it doesn’t have to break the bank. Here are five ways to avoid a Christmas blowout that have the happy side effect of being better for you too!

  • basket of fruits and vegetables

    Getting the most out of your fresh fruit and vegies

    • May 11, 2020
    • by Anne Finch

    Staying home more means fewer trips to the shops. This means buying more, less often and making it last longer. This is all fine and dandy for tins, and even freezable foods like meat and dairy – but how do you stretch your fresh produce out so it lasts more than a few days? It’s all about planning, and getting to know your produce…

  • work from home desk

    Healthy habits when working from home

    • Apr 24, 2020
    • by Anne Finch

    It’s a strange time! Many of us have been abruptly thrust into working from home. To help you adapt, we’re sharing our team’s top tips to keep up (or start!) good food and movement habits that will help you stay healthy while you stay at home.

  • Dry pantry staples

    Long live long-life! Top 5 vegie boosts from the back of the pantry

    • Apr 21, 2020
    • by Anne Finch

    One of the simplest ways to shop less often is to buy foods with a longer shelf life. That’s our pantry pals tinned, jarred, dried and frozen foods. This is our ode to vegies in the pantry and freezer sections.