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  • sun orange

    No-cook summer meals

    • Jan 22, 2021
    • by Jenny Atkins

    When it’s hot outside, I’m looking for ways to keep my house cool. No-cook recipes sound like the perfect solution for summer meals. So, get ready to step away from the microwave, stove and oven and try these ten meal ideas that are perfect all summer long!

  • A middle-aged man and woman prepare a meal in a kitchen.

    Ditch the diet pressure and think health this year

    • Dec 22, 2020
    • by Gael Myers

    It’s that time of the year when we frown at the string of festive feasts and resolve to lose 20 kilos. Here are three tips to refresh your New Year’s resolution thinking and feel great this new year.

  • Christmas tree

    Tips to LiveLighter through Christmas

    • Dec 17, 2020
    • by Guest Author

    It’s Christmas - a time to eat, drink and be merry! While you might be looking forward to munching on some delicious food over the festive season, chances are you’re not so thrilled by the prospect of the post-meal food coma. We’ve put together our top six tips to help get the balance right.

  • Homemade dukkah

    Ditch the box of choccies and try homemade treats

    • Dec 13, 2020
    • by Anne Finch

    Looking for a small gift for a friend, or something to take for a dinner party host? We've got a bunch of lovely homemade gift ideas that tick all the boxes.

  • leftovers in the fridge

    Love your leftovers

    • Dec 09, 2020
    • by Jenny Atkins

    LiveLighter Nutritionist, Jen Atkins, shares her easy tips on converting festive leftovers into new yummy and healthy dishes.

  • Friends having a picnic

    Drink less and feel fresh this festive season

    • Dec 04, 2020
    • by Anne Finch

    The stream of end-of-the year celebrations and the pressure to drink alcohol at all of them can leave us struggling to get out of bed – let alone socialise. Here’s a handy guide to help you drink less and survive (and thrive) this holidays.

  • Friends sharing a meal

    Happy holiday hosting

    • Dec 02, 2020
    • by Anne Finch

    Tips for serving up fun, fresh food when you're putting on a spread

  • Poolside Percy

    Six refreshing alcohol-free options to wet your whistle

    • Nov 27, 2020
    • by Gael Myers

    Have you ever been to an event where there are endless choices of beer, wine and cocktails but the alcohol-free options are limited to fizzy water and soft drink? Me too. All the time.

  • Cherry creaming soda

    Sweet nothings: 7 tasty drinks to help you break up with soft drinks

    • Nov 20, 2020
    • by Gael Myers

    Let’s face it; we all know that water is the healthiest drink. But sometimes that just doesn’t cut it when you’re struggling to resist the temptation of a soft drink.

  • healthy grazing plate

    Healthier festive season at work

    • Nov 16, 2020
    • by Anne Finch

    Did you draw the short straw this year? Or do you love planning events? There are loads of ways to celebrate that are memorable and will help your team keep well through the festive season.