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  • family gardening

    Green thumbs for everyone

    • Jul 23, 2020
    • by Bruce Beamish

    Thinking of trying your hand at gardening? We’ve got a series of blogs to get you started, covering everything from construction and design, soil, propagation and choosing what to grow. Good luck on your home gardening adventure!

  • Kids play sport

    Hitting the sweet spot in kid’s sport

    • Jul 20, 2020
    • by Alex Dreyer

    As some of Australia starts to open back up again, children and parents alike are eagerly awaiting the return of junior sport. Organised sport is a great way to get the benefits of physical activity, however it can also be a setting that encourages the consumption of junk food. Let’s help our kids to understand that the road to sporting success is paved with healthy food, not hamburgers. Here are four ways to help your kids shoot for health when playing junior sport.

  • Alby exercising

    Alby’s fur-real tips for a healthy return to work

    • Jul 10, 2020
    • by Alby

    Hi, my name is Albert and I’m a victim of the COVID-19 pandemic WA recovery. My human went from being home like all the time to only being around on the weekends again. It’s been ruff.

  • Fruity ice cream

    Make your own: fruity ice-cream

    • Jun 29, 2020
    • by Abbie-Clare Vidler

    Making your own healthy ice-cream at home is a great way to make use of any fruit still sitting in your fruit bowl or hidden at the back of your freezer. And you’ll be surprised at how easy it is to whip up a tasty treat that will knock the socks off those expensive alternatives you find in the freezer aisle! Pair this delicious fruity ice-cream with one of our winter warmer desserts for a match made in heaven.

  • Lamb shanks

    6 slow cooker tips and tricks

    • Jun 19, 2020
    • by Alison McAleese

    The weather is cooling down. We’re going to the shops less (so we’re buying lots of long-lasting root vegies) and many of us are finding ourselves unusually at home in the middle of the day. What a perfect combination of reasons to get the slow-cooker out!

  • Alcohol marketing tactics during COVID-19

    Sneaky alcohol marketing tactics you should be aware of

    • Jun 05, 2020
    • by Hannah Pierce

    A recent snapshot report has found that in just one hour on a Friday night, one person was targeted with alcohol ads on Facebook and Instagram every 35 seconds. Check out the six tactics the alcohol industry has been using during this public health crisis to encourage us to buy and drink more alcohol.

  • kJ comparison of cider and a burger

    The surprising amount of kilojoules in alcohol

    • Jun 01, 2020
    • by Abbie-Clare Vidler

    Many people are surprised to find out that alcohol, in all its forms, is packed with kilojoules. Over time, the kilojoules in the alcohol we drink can really start to stack up, which can lead to weight gain.

  • Pile of junk food

    An epidemic of junk food marketing

    • May 19, 2020
    • by Ainslie Sartori

    Junk food companies and fast food restaurants have been quick to cash in on the COVID-19 crisis and the advice to stay home by shifting their marketing focus with lightening speed. But is the heavy promotion of junk foods and drinks really the type of messaging we need during this public health crisis?

  • basket of fruits and vegetables

    Getting the most out of your fresh fruit and vegies

    • May 11, 2020
    • by Anne Finch

    Staying home more means fewer trips to the shops. This means buying more, less often and making it last longer. This is all fine and dandy for tins, and even freezable foods like meat and dairy – but how do you stretch your fresh produce out so it lasts more than a few days? It’s all about planning, and getting to know your produce…

  • Making pancakes

    Whipping up a Mother’s Day Treat

    • May 06, 2020
    • by Mikala Atkinson

    Whether it’s breakfast in bed, a delicious morning tea or dinner to remember, preparing a home-cooked feast for your mum to enjoy this Mother’s Day is a great way to show her how much you care.