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  • Pantry staples

    Too much on your plate? 5 healthy eating hacks for busy people

    • Mar 22, 2019
    • by Guest Author

    When life gets busy, a healthy diet probably isn’t at the top of your to-do list. But in order to feel good and stay on top of your busy schedule, eating well is key. Eating healthy doesn’t need to add extra time or burden to your jam-packed schedule. You just need a little forward thinking to help make healthy eating your norm. Your body will thank you for it!

  • Superfood swaps

    Superfood swaps

    • Mar 14, 2019
    • by Gael Myers

    Swapping superfoods like goji berries and acai for everyday fruits and vegetables will help save you money and boost your nutrition. Watch our interview with Today Tonight.

  • Cooking magazines

    Super foods or super dud cuisine - what’s cooking in your favourite mags?

    • Feb 22, 2019
    • by Guest Author

    Many of us get inspiration for what to eat from recipes in magazines. But, are these recipes actually any good for us? We crunched the numbers on the recipes found in five leading Australian titles to see how well they match up to LiveLighter’s nutrition guidelines for total fat, saturated fat, sugar and salt.

  • tutty fruity popsicles

    Ice ice baby – the healthiest icy-poles revealed

    • Feb 04, 2019
    • by Alice Bastable

    Our analysis of popular icy-pole brands has revealed some products are masquerading as ‘full of fruit’ when in reality some contain up to five teaspoons of sugar per serving. Have no fear! We found the healthiest icy poles available at Woolies and Coles, so you can say yes, with a little less sugar.

  • Three glass bottles containing amber coloured liquid

    Kombucha – does it live up to the hype?

    • Jan 08, 2019
    • by Gael Myers

    With more and more kombucha products hitting the shelves, have you been left wondering whether this tangy and quirky tasting drink is actually a healthy choice? To find out, LiveLighter have conducted an analysis of 77 different kombucha products.

  • Blended alcohol

    Think before you drink this Christmas

    • Dec 18, 2018
    • by Alice Bastable

    Before entering the holiday season it's important to consider the health implications that go beyond just feeling a bit lousy and dehydrated after a night of drinking too much. We take a look at what these health impacts are and suss out the best way to go alcohol free this season.

  • Healthy slushies at home

    How popular slushie drinks could be piling on the kilos

    • Dec 07, 2018
    • by Gael Myers, James Stevens-Cutler

    While a frozen sugary drink can seem like a cheap way to cool down on a scorching day, these drinks are packed with sugar your body doesn’t need.

  • Don't be sucked in by frozen sugary drinks

    Don’t Be Sucked In – The ridiculous amount of sugar in frozen drinks

    • Dec 05, 2018
    • by Jo Campbell

    While a frozen sugary drink can seem like a cheap way to cool down on a scorching day, these drinks are packed with sugar your body really doesn’t need. There’s definitely better ways to quench your thirst without risking your health.

  • Plant milks

    Going mad over milk

    • Nov 30, 2018
    • by Guest Author

    In the past, it was delivered to your doorstep each day, but now we are faced with half an aisle dedicated to milk and plant-based milk alternatives that we have to make a choice from. So how do the plant-based alternatives really stack up against traditional cow’s milk?

  • Bottles of sugary drink

    Why we need to talk about the link between being above a healthy weight and cancer

    • Nov 30, 2018
    • by Guest Author

    General Practice Registrar, Dr Gihan Jayaweera, discusses the important of sensitively initiating discussion with patients about the risks involved with being above a healthy weight as well as what can be done.