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by Alice Bastable, LiveLighter Victoria Campaign Manager and Dietitian

strawberry mint water

Feeling the effects of the festive season (which seems to get longer and longer every year)? Thinking about taking a break from alcohol for your mental health, short-term health or long term health? We hear you! 

Taking a pause from drinking is a great start to rethinking your relationship with alcohol and your health - and it doesn't have to mean taking a break from your friends. In fact, you may feel you have more energy, save money and feel better. If anything, that makes you a BETTER party guest :) 

Here's a few ideas about things to try that don't revolve around alcohol. 

1. Have a walking catch up

two women walking

When arranging catch ups with friends, the go-to choice is usually a drink at a local pub or catch up over a meal. Why not embrace the beautiful parks we have on our doorstep and arrange a walk instead. It’s a great opportunity to see your mates while getting in some exercise at the same time. 

2. Join a local sports team

Haven’t played netball since you were on the B team in high school? It’s never too late to take up a new sport or get reacquainted with an old one. It’s a great way to stay active, while feeling part of a team and making new friends. Find a club that fits into your lifestyle and is at the right level. You don’t have to be an elite athlete to find a team that works for you.

3. Have friends over to your house

Having friends round to your house means you’re in complete control about what you serve up. There’s no awkward standing by the bar asking for ‘just a water, thanks’. Instead of sharing a bottle of wine you can impress your friends with some fruity alcohol-free concoctions you’ve made yourself. Try tasty alcohol-free alternatives from LiveLighter. 

Peach and rosemary iced tea

4. Catch up at a café

If you’d prefer to meet up away from home, why not opt for a café rather than a pub. Plenty of drinks to choose from without the alcoholic temptations. You won’t be the only one not drinking and you can sit and chat with friends for as long as you want.

5. Go for a hike

Is there a nature walk or a national park you’ve been meaning to tackle but you’ve just been too tired and hungover on a Sunday to do it? Now’s the time to test your fitness and embrace some natural beauty while you’re at it.

6. Host a board games night


Remember that feeling when you landed on Mayfair in Monopoly? Or how great it was when you discovered it was Professor Plum in the Dining Room with the revolver. Recapture that competitive fun and invite your friends over for a board games night. There’s no need to involve booze, in fact you’ll probably be a more formidable opponent without it.

Ready to make changes now and want to learn more?

Check out tasty drink ideas, the perfect drink switch, and find out more tips to help you cut back on alcohol.

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