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  • Boy eats watermelon with his grandma

    How grandparents can become champions of healthy eating

    • Feb 01, 2020
    • by Michelle Jongenelis

    When it comes to what kids eat, how important are grandparents really?

  • beef kofta with tzatziki

    Better BBQs that go beyond the sausage sizzle

    • Feb 01, 2020
    • by Anne Finch

    I love taking advantage of the gorgeous summer weather and combining the outdoors with cooking delicious, healthy food.

  • Couple cook dinner

    5 healthy tips that are not weight focused

    • Jan 20, 2020
    • by Guest Author

    We live in a world with endless quick fix diets telling us to cut carbs, turn our back on cooked foods or live off nothing but juice. It’s time to ditch the diets and release ourselves from this dieting mentality.

  • dental mirror

    Sugary drinks are a rotten choice

    • Jan 15, 2020
    • by Dr Rebecca Williams

    The Australian Dental Association of WA has teamed up with LiveLighter® to create a new campaign to help ditch sugary drinks and help to keep dentist visits quick and painless. Dr Rebecca Williams, paediatric dentist, gives us the rundown on why sugary drinks are a rotten choice.  

  • Cooking up a storm

    Top 5 tips for a healthier you

    • Jan 12, 2020
    • by Gael Myers

    To celebrate the start of the new year we've put together our top tips to help kick start your way to a healthier you.

  • happy new year

    Make a fresh start this New Year!

    • Jan 09, 2020
    • by Guest Author

    Every January we see another round of diets, detoxes and exercise programs for those of us who have indulged (or just enjoyed ourselves) over the Christmas period. This is a great time to think about changes we can make. But let’s tackle it a bit differently this year. Here are five tips to ‘detox’ your life!

  • Keeping on track

    How to keep on track with (and keep track of) your exercise resolution

    • Jan 05, 2020
    • by Peter Edwards

    The start of a new year sees many resolve to either eat better, lose weight and/or exercise more. However most people don’t successfully follow through on their resolutions. Peter Edwards aims to keep you moving through the year.

  • Arm in the sky grasping a gold medal

    Healthy goals you'll actually keep

    • Jan 01, 2020
    • by Amelia Harray

    Do you make the same New Year's resolution year after year? If you do, you are not alone.

  • Tiago de Sousa

    Soccer dad Tiago reaps benefits of quitting alcohol

    • Dec 27, 2019
    • by Ben Somerford

    North Perth resident Tiago de Sousa quit alcohol and joined the MAN v FAT soccer program earlier this year and is now enjoying a healthier lifestyle with his young family.

  • Close up of a section of bitumen road with ALCOHOL FREE ZONE written and a no alcohol graphic

    LiveLighter investigates: alcohol-free alcohol

    • Dec 24, 2019
    • by Gael Myers

    With the popularity of non-alcoholic drinks on the rise these drinks are moving from the fringe to being a viable option when you are staying away from drinking. However, there’s very little information out there about how many kilojoules these drinks actually contain. To find out more we scoured 26 bottle shops and supermarkets in the Perth metro area looking for non-alcoholic versions of your favourite beer, wine, cider and spirits.