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  • Hand holds strawberries

    4 ways to get more fibre into your diet

    • Nov 22, 2019
    • by Guest Author

    We all know fibre is important, but less than a third of Australian adults get enough.

  • Cooking pasta

    Low-carb craze: Should we avoid carbohydrates?

    • Nov 06, 2019
    • by Guest Author

    We see endless weight loss diets suggesting that we ditch the carbs. These diets claim that cutting carbs will lead to weight loss, but is that the truth? And should we really be avoiding them?

  • Sugar

    “As soon as I quit sugary drinks, the kilograms fell off”

    • Sep 30, 2019
    • by Ben Somerford

    Subiaco's Michael Hedderwick reveals his lifestyle change of cutting out sugary drinks led to a major weight change.

  • Kids playing footy

    The ultimate footy finals spread

    • Sep 25, 2019
    • by Gael Myers

    Lift your BBQ game this AFL grand final with our top tips for hosting a healthy get-together.

  • LiveLighter dietitians Anne Finch & Gael Myers

    The real story behind our dietitians

    • Sep 19, 2019
    • by Ben Somerford

    We celebrate our LiveLighter dietitians to mark Dietitians Day

  • Drinks in a supermarket fridge

    Study reveals 2 in 3 drinks at supermarket checkouts are bad for health

    • Sep 09, 2019
    • by Gael Myers

    To investigate the extent to which sugary drinks are promoted at the supermarket checkout LiveLighter collected data from Coles and Woolworths stores in the Perth metropolitan area.

  • drink water instead

    How much sugar is actually in your drink?

    • Sep 06, 2019
    • by Anne Finch

    Sugary drinks are everywhere. They promise to give you a boost, bring you summer or even just get you discounted fuel. What’s the real deal behind these sugary drinks?

  • Processed meats

    4 foods you should eat & 3 you should avoid to prevent cancer

    • Aug 27, 2019
    • by Gael Myers

    With so much information out there about food and cancer, and everyone from doctors to crusading mums to celebrity chefs weighing in, it can be difficult to sort the wheat from the chaff when it comes to getting accurate nutrition information. Here are 7 dietitian approved tips for reducing your cancer risk.

  • visceral fat

    The science of weight and cancer

    • Aug 19, 2019
    • by Anne Finch, Melissa Ledger

    It's well known that there's a link between carrying extra weight and a range of cancers. Here we unpack some of the reasons why.

  • Kaylia Stanton recipe card

    Fuelling for success

    • Jul 29, 2019
    • by Guest Author

    West Coast Fever player Kaylia Stanton gives us the low down on the life of a professional netballer and insight into her practical placement with LiveLighter.