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  • breakfast toastie

    Is breakfast the most important meal of the day?

    • Mar 02, 2016
    • by Alison McAleese

    Breakfast has long been hailed as the most important meal, but is it really that necessary? We explore the evidence to see how it stacks up.

  • five spice hoisin pork

    Perfect portions: the size of our plates has grown (and so have our waistlines)

    • Feb 18, 2016
    • by Kellie-Ann Jolly

    When we eat out nowadays, we expect to be served a super-sized meal on a giant plate and feel ripped-off if we receive anything less.

  • Family enjoying a bike ride

    Get back into the groove

    • Feb 05, 2016
    • by Jenny Atkins

    The summer holidays have come to an end, and it’s time to iron out the indulgent holiday habits and get back to a healthy family routine!

  • Illustration of a man with a mega milkshake in hand

    The mega issue with mega milkshakes

    • Dec 09, 2015
    • by Anne Finch

    Seen the obscene milk shakes all over your social media? You know, the ones that are made in a jar and have two donuts and a full English breakfast on top? I really hate to come over all food-police on this one, but I think we need to settle down with all the extreme foods.

  • A Christmas tree made out of fruit

    Six ways to stay healthy this festive season

    • Nov 27, 2015
    • by Alison McAleese

    Every year in the week before Christmas, after a month of parties, I have the same conversation with myself: Next year I’m going to think about Christmas earlier and factor in my health.

  • Cans of diet drink

    Diet drinks and artificial sweeteners... what's the catch?

    • Nov 19, 2015
    • by Anne Finch

    With so much heat in the sugar debate, a lot of people are looking to reduce their sugar intake. And don't worry, the food industry has noticed!

  • A sports drink wrapped in caution tape

    The sneaky sugar in 'healthy' drinks

    • Nov 12, 2015
    • by Anne Finch

    It's pretty obvious that soft drinks aren't a healthy choice. But what about some of the other drinks that market themselves as a better choice?

  • A glass filled with marshmellows

    Is it time to rethink those sugary drinks?

    • Nov 06, 2015
    • by Anne Finch

    Why does a soft drink taste better than a sickly sweet tea with 10 sugars? Confusingly, it’s because it doesn’t taste as sweet.

  • A teaspoon holding 3 sugar cubes

    Not so sweet on the sweet stuff

    • Oct 29, 2015
    • by Anne Finch

    Sugar sure is having its time in the spotlight. What’s the big deal? And what does it mean for you?

  • A shopping basket filled with vegies

    Love food but hate waste? Read on.

    • Oct 15, 2015
    • by Jenny Atkins

    My life is about food! Food provides nourishment and plays a part in entertaining, celebrations and most, if not all, activities with family and friends.