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LiveLighter is a public health education campaign. The aim is to help people to eat well, be physically active and avoid excess weight gain.

Carrying excess weight increases the risk of developing a range of chronic diseases including type 2 diabetes, heart disease and 13 cancers.

The campaign does this through:

  • Getting people to stop and think about their health now and consider the impact of the way we eat and move
  • Giving people the skills to make small (or big!) lifestyle changes to improve their health
  • Kickstarting the conversation and supporting community efforts to change the food and physical activity environment

The tools we use to do this are:

Another important part of our work is pushing for the environmental changes that make the healthy option the easy option. This means advocating for less promotion of junk food, better access to healthy food for all, improved food labelling and infrastructure and policies to empower people to be more active. We work with retailers, universities, community organisations and all levels of government to make this happen.

How was the campaign developed?

LiveLighter incorporates the key messages of past healthy lifestyle campaigns such as Go for 2&5 and Find 30. The messaging and execution is based on reviews of the literature on social marketing campaigns, behaviour change theory and the expert opinions of the marketing and advertising agencies and health professionals we work with. The effects of the campaign are monitored, and you can see the published evaluation papers here.

Media enquiries

For all enquiries, please get in touch with our media team.

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