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Living our best, healthiest life starts with small changes to our daily habits. And these ones can save us money too.

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A new triple threat is in town… Did you know that going for a walk with a friend combines three of the best mood boosters?

  1. Exercising
  2. Socialising and
  3. Being out in nature.

On top of that, it’s a great way to catch up without spending any money. All you need is some comfy shoes and a hat or rain jacket as required! Go for a jaunt around your neighbourhood or check out some of the gorgeous walking trails on our doorstep. It’s all good stuff, and counts towards the recommended amount of physical activity.

Whether you’re a master chef, or slapping together the basics, there are so many benefits to cooking more at home – including saving yourself a heap of cash. We’ve got SO MANY RESOURCES to help support your Small Swap. We’ve got a few of the classic hits below to get you started! Or you can also dive into the website and focus on shopping smart or healthy cooking - both essential skills to grow this habit.

P.S. A friendly reminder that “cook more” is a broad goal and breaking it down into something more specific will help it become more concretely achievable. E.g. Cook with the kids on the weekend, make a double batch for the freezer one night a week, or try Friday night “fakeaway”.

Streeeeeeetch and get ready to reap the benefits! We’ve got your back(bend) with loads of moves for every ability - your job is to figure out how you’re going to get it into your day. Because stretches can be done in as little as 30 seconds, this is one habit that you can scatter in micro-workouts throughout the day, or do in a dedicated block of time. Whatever works for you!

Walking, cycling, running or taking public transport to work or school gives you the opportunity to get some scheduled movement into each day. It’s also good for the environment and can save you a bucketload in petrol, parking costs and wear-and-tear on your vehicle!

While we’re banging on about the benefits, did you know it’s also a great way to ease into the day, or decompress afterwards? Whether you do this silently (so on trend!), or with a podcast or playlist, you can set the tone for your journey. And if you need some tips and tricks to get your little people involved, we’ve got some ideas over here.

Welcome to the “micro-workouts” party! We know that every minute of movement counts, and these little “exercise snacks” can lead to loads of health benefits, and even a longer life. We’ve got your back with loads of moves for every ability - your job is to figure out how you’re going to get it into your day.

If you’re wondering how you’re going so far, you can use our physical activity calculator to tally up all the bits and pieces – you might be surprised at how much you’re already doing 😊. And if you’re looking for general info, inspo and practical advice, check out our physical activity hub over here.

We’re so lucky to have access to amazing produce grown locally. Choosing fruit and veg that are being picked right now has a bunch of benefits!

  • Produce is freshest! That means biggest flavour, longest shelf-life and most nutrition
  • Produce is at its most abundant – which means it’s cheaper
  • Locally grown means a smaller carbon footprint

You can check out our printable posters to see what fruit and veg is in season in WA, but we’ll let you in on a little secret… if it’s locally grown and on special, it’s probably in season! You can also search our recipes by season to find recipes that hero seasonal produce – but feel free to improvise with what’s around! Here are some tools to help you get started, and for a deep dive into the wonderful world of fruit and vegetables, you can always visit our hub!

Not just for the vegos, having a dedicated meat-free day is a great way to

  • Try new ingredients and dishes
  • Save money (meat is one of the most expensive items in the trolley!)
  • Reduce our carbon footprint
  • Increase our vegie intake (most of us aren’t getting enough!)

If you’re vegie-curious, but don’t know where to start, we’d suggest basing the meal around legumes; we’re talking lentils, chickpeas, kidney beans and peas. Legumes are fab in a curry, gorgeous in a soup and heroic in a burrito. Cheese and eggs are also great, and are super convenient. Other products like tofu, nuts and “fake meats” can also be swapped into your regular recipes without too much adjustment.

Vegetarian food can be satisfying and hearty, and there are loads of dishes in every culture that are naturally meat-free - we hope you find a new favourite dish!

Heaps of our favourite dishes have been popularised by fast food joints (looking at you burgers and pizza!), and reclaiming them in the comfort of our own homes means we can:

So make it an event and have fun with it!

Packing lunch seems like an obvious win (saving time and money), but it can be a bit of a hassle to get right. Don’t worry, we’ve got your back! With a little clever planning and prep you’ll be eating like royalty. A few key principles to keep in mind:

  1. Cook once, eat twice – make a little more at dinner, and pack your lunch straight away
  2. Get salad/ sanger savvy – learn the tricks to avoid soggy sangers and prep substantial salads
  3. Plan to forget – have some staples ready-to-go at home or work

Get more detailed information in the resources below – bon appetit!

You know what? You’re sweet enough already 😍. Did you know that sugary drinks are the single biggest source of sugar in the Australian diet? And with 16 teaspoons of sugar in a 600 mL bottle of soft drink, cutting back on this one product can make a big difference to your health.   

We’ve got loads of resources to help you on your way, including some fun low-sugar drinks, tips to change your habits and the scoop on industry tactics that try to hide the alarming amount of sugar in their products.

Crunching on a crispy apple, getting messy with a mango, and half-time oranges grins… how good is fruit? We’re lucky to have an abundance of options year-round, and heaps of dried, canned and frozen options too!

Eat your fruit straight-up for a low-effort snack, or prep a big fruit salad (squeeze some citrus over it to slow down the browning) in a sealed container for the fridge. That way, you have something delicious and convenient to reach for when you’re feeling snacky 🍍🍉🍐

Getting more movement in the day is one of the best things we can do for our health, and it’s never been easier to find a free workout you can do from the comfort of your own home! You can focus on whatever fitness goals you might have – from mobility and flexibility to strength or cardio fitness. You can try our free workout builder tool, or search the internet – there are loads of free and low-cost options. If you’re new to getting active, we’ve got confidence-boosting tips to help get you started.